College Council Committee

N.S Memorial College of Nursing


College Council Committee

The College Council will be solely responsible for all academic matters, such as, framing of academic policy and make decisions related to the internal affairs of the college. The Council will involve faculty at all levels and also experts from outside, including representatives of the university and the government. The decisions taken by the College Council will not be subject to any further ratification by the College Council or other statutory bodies of the university.

Philosophy of College Council

Fostering students learning and success by providing excellence in instructional programmes, facilities and support the goals of students pursuing basic skill and career.

College council objectives

  • Investigate ways to articulate student’s success that represent the   diverse range of our student’s goals and retain strong academic integrity and high academic standards.
  • Provide essential support service through collaborative actions.
  • Create a framework for faculty and student to learn and share ideas.
  • Plan action strategies for student welfare


  1. The secretary shall convene the meeting. The college council shall meet at least twice in an year and the minutes shall be recorded.
  2. The decision of the college council shall be taken by a simple majority and in case of equality of votes the chairman shall have second or casting votes.
  3. Where the Principal overrules the decisions of the college council the secretary shall report the same to the Vice Chancellor.
  4. The college council shall be reconstituted in every year.

Frequency of meeting:

Twice in year& as and when needed


Council meets twice a year to discuss matters pertaining to the academic mission of the college including admission requirement curricula, instruction examination grading in the college .
