Grievance Redressal Committee for Students (GRCS)

N.S Memorial College of Nursing


Grievance Redressal Committee for Students (GRCS)

Grievance Redressal Cell is intended to find solutions to problems of students like ragging, any kind of physical or mental harassment, complaints regarding classroom teaching, management, completion of syllabus, teaching methods etc. and to resolve problems of the faculty working in the organization. The aim of the Grievance Redressal Committee is to work towards reconciliation of intramural disputes, to guarantee due processes for settlement of otherwise irreconcilable grievances, to help ensure institutional integrity and to guard academic freedom and welfare of students and faculty.


The college has a Grievance Redressal Committee for Students (GRCS) to promote and maintain a conducive and harmonious educational environment among the students. The cell functions for fair, prompt and judicious redressal of grievances of students.


The objectives for the students’ grievance redressal committee are:

  • To promote mutual respect and understanding among the students.
  • To maintain a healthy environment of learning in the campus
  • To ensure individual development through healthy community living
  • To promote good teacher-student relationship in the campus.
  • To provide prompt, fair and judicious redressal of grievances so that students feel no discontentment.

Jurisdiction of the committee

The cell will deal with Grievances received from the students on any of the following matters: college, class, campus, hostel and food.

Procedure for the redressal of grievances

  • Students with grievance may approach the Coordinator or member of the Grievance Redressal Committee for Students (GRCS) and submit the complaint in writing. Grievances may also be sent through post office and e-mail. Complaints can also be put in the Complaint Boxes installed in the College and hostel. Anonymous complaints will also be considered with equal seriousness.
  • The GRCS is to hold its meeting every month and the cases reported to it will be attended. In the meeting the complaint boxes will also be opened and the cases will be examined. The committee is to recommend fair and judicious recommendations so as to maintain pleasant academic atmosphere in the college.
  • The principal should implement the recommendations of the committee.
  • The action taken on the grievance should be intimated to the student who filed the complaint.
  • Those cases which could not be settled in the GRCS should be forwarded to the college council.
  • The annual performance report of the GRCS should be sent to the Dean Academic by the chairperson at the end of each academic year.
  • GRCS is to be reconstituted every year.
  • The college principal is the appellate authority at the college level.
  • The subcommittee of students’ council (SCSC) is the appellate authority at the university level.